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NEXT START DATE: February 26, 2024

Unlocking Your Digits

Design a structure to track & analyze numbers by evaluating what is really important & choosing systems that bring your business clarity & confidence.

Statistic calculating

You are ready to gather information from your numbers, but you aren't sure where exactly to begin.


Or've already gotten started, but for one reason or another, tracking & analyzing your numbers just hasn't happened.  

If this is you, allow me to introduce "Unlocking Your Digits".

Your numbers have value, but tracking & analyzing them is a skill, it doesn't just happen. To get the most out of your numbers you need to know what you are looking for & have a system that makes that easy for you. 

Because (if we're honest) if this isn't easy, it won't get done. 

And the confidence & clarity your numbers will bring are essential to helping your business grow. 

The Details

Jumping into this program gives you:

8-week long live program 

90 day access to Training Hub PACKED with content about numbers, tracking, analyzing & how to start actually doing it in your business.


4 calls for workshopping & answering questions. 

4 rounds of material review & feedback. 


Guidance on how to go from tracking nothing to building a process that will work for your business. 


Slack channel for community & support.

$697 Investment

Not sure it's for you?? 
What this program is:
What this program isn't:

In-depth dive into what tracking & analysis really mean & look like in the online business world. 

Collaboration to create a structure & process for what this will look like in your business. 

Brainstorming what the best methods & tools for you might be.

Best practice tips when it comes to spreadsheets & dashboards. 

Deep analysis on every single metric under the sun. 

A done-for-you custom project.

Tutorials on how to create a spreadsheet or setup a dashboard.

Here's the Deal...

The numbers you are paying attention to for your business are constantly changing as your business changes. 

This program exists to equip you with the knowledge of how to identify, track & analyze ANY metric so you can constantly apply these concepts to your business, no matter what changes come your way. 

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